Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version 1.508 Word Version: About Word. Additionally, I can dictate in MS Word if I use Windows Speech Recognition, just not using the dictation in Microsoft 365 functionality. Will also record your voice so you can refer to the original recording. Chrome text to speech works - Windows Speech Recognition works.Setup Information: Google Voice Typing Speechy - Voice Dictation & Speechy Lite System: Available in Google Docs when using Chrome as your web browser Users can also select, format, and move text around a document with a few phrases and voice commands.Allows the ability to write and edit papers using your voice.Our team will contact you to explain our pricing structure.

The prices for our automatic speech-recognition API are up to 10x lower than when uploading your audio and video. Setup Information: Microsoft 365 Dictation It transfers audio or video files to our ASR server and returns the transcript in the desired format. System: Available in Microsoft Word, OneNote, Outlook, and PowerPoint

Lets you use speech-to-text to author content in Office with a microphone and reliable internet connection.It comes in handy when transcribing a lecture or a Zoom meeting. Now in Microsoft Teams, keeping detailed notes for your meetings just got easier, with in-context and automated meeting transcripts using the brand-new and AI-driven speech-to-text transcription capability built into Teams. Setup Information: Windows Speech Recognition Microsoft 365 Dictation Microsoft Word Transcribe allows you to convert speech to text. Jeremy Chapman, from the Microsoft 365 team, demonstrates a new way to automate the process. It includes state-of-the-art word prediction, text-to-speech feedback for better comprehension and effective use of word prediction, and talk-to-type speech recognition.